Monday, December 28, 2009

My Precious!!!!

I love her so much!! There is a special place in my heart for this little one!!! ~LYRIC~ The second love of my life!

Monday, December 21, 2009


So, my grandmother is an avid anti-obama fan! Let's just say her love for Obama is very minuet. She is the most conservative, opionated, right-winged little broad that ever was! She is the cutest little woman you have even seen, and she is so feisty! I love her so much! So, in honor of her "love" for Obama, my brother and I are giving her a special Christmas gift that I believe she will enjoy very much!!! This picture will be put in a frame for her little eyes on Christmas morning! It will be great!

Side note: The opinions of my grandmother do not reflect my opinions. I respect my president and believe God holds the kings heart in his hand; like a watercourse, he directs it wherever he pleases!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I will cling to the Cross

Where shall I stop my heart from spinning on a thousand different course? When shall the direction of my heart align with my Lord's?

Stay here awhile my friend as I peacefully protest against my heart; raise up your banner with me as we proclaim Christ and his Cross. Glory to God in the highest!

"My heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" This is the definition of my life these past months. As I sulk desperately in sin, wondering aimlessly through this desert trying to manifest some sort of dignity of self, this battle I realize is a war against my flesh and my spirit!

It is not dignity of self at all that I need, for if I could gain something from myself, it would be the "hideous doctrine" appointed for me. But, Christ has conquered! He has restored my soul! He has given me a new heart.

I have this constant struggle, lately. My selfish pride and vanity war against me. Now, more than ever I must fight! Fight for Christ! Fight for righteousness! This war has been my ever present friend! And, I must admit, I don't always "choose life!" But, God is sustaining and teaching me! He is refining and patiently molding me! He is gently disciplining me!

If I could only come to you, my friend, and say I have won! Oh what a joy that would be! Yes we have won the battle of all battles! But to win over flesh in the moment! To have victory in my season right now would seem utterly impossible! But, wait, there is something more!!! I know there will be a day when I can say, "Lord, you have turned my morning into dancing! Weeping has tarried in the night, but you have given me joy in the morning!"

Until that day comes and after that day has passed, I will cling to the cross, for in the cross there is fullness of joy! And in the cross, I have victory!!!

"He, being in very nature, God, did not consider equality to be grasped, but made himself nothing. Taking the very form of a servant, being made in human likeness, being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God exalted him to highest place and gave him a name that was above every name. That at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh, my dear friend Alicia has started a blog... And the whole world rejoices!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Now all I know is grace!

I just simply feel like writing, so here you go, my friend:

We have been doing a study of Psalms in church, and in our Quiet Time as well! It has been totally refining, and absolutely refreshing! Our Pastor said at the beginning of this study, "We study Psalms to study the Cross!" What sweet words, to know that the Psalter is so much more than a soft-hearted, sentimental piece that helps align your heart before worship (which it is, but it is more than that as well!)

I must admit, this season of my life has been challenging and ever bearing of my complaints and grievances. Many questions and pleas for God to take my cup away from me! Oh how my God must love me, to keep me in this time of revelation of my sin!
But, I must say that I have learned through Psalms, he is doing more than keeping me, he is refining me! God says in his word, "A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart."

The gold and silver must go through the heat to be refined and made pure! Then he says, the Lord is the one who tests the heart, God's testing will result in my refining!

My season has been hard and sinful, but God is molding me into his image! I am constantly being reminded in the Psalms study that God's steadfast love and faithfulness are poured on me because of Christ's death on the cross! Thank Christ for his "obedience to death, even death on a cross." Like that song goes, "Now all I know is grace... Hallelujah."

"But I have trusted in your steadfast love, my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord for he has dealt bountifully with me." -Ps 13
"All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness." Ps 25
"He leads me in paths of righteousness" -Ps 23
"For the king trusts in the Lord, and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved." Ps 21
"For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness." Ps 26
"Let the thank the Lord for his steadfast love."Ps 107

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here is my poll today... Which one should I do?

Should I go long...

Or should I go short?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Love that Ole poem!

 To my Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet  
If ever two were one, then surely we.  
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;  
If ever wife was happy in a man, 
Compare with me, ye woman,if you can. 
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, 
Or all the riches that the east doth hold. 
My love is such that rivers cannot quench, 
Nor aught but love from thee, give recompense.  
Thy love is such I can no way repay,  
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. 
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere 
That when we live no more, we may live ever.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

For Every Woman:

Just some good questions I found to ask yourself when shopping for your wardrobe this holiday season:

What is the intent of my heart in purchasing these clothes:
Is my intent to show the grace and beauty of womanhood?
Is it to reveal a humble heart devoted to worshiping God?
Or is it to call attention to myself, and flaunt my beauty?
Or worse, to attempt to allure men sexually?
Does a humble heart and a servant’s heart dictate my wardrobe and appearance?
Is my shopping informed and governed by modesty and restraint?
Or is your dress motivated by a desire for attention and approval from others?
Does my style reflect a lack of self-control?

"A woman who focuses on worshiping God will consider carefully how she is dressed, because her heart will dictate her wardrobe and appearance."

Read more: here

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For Stay at Home Wives:

So, I am recognizing a little flea pestering me, and I need to take a bath! I need to be washed in the waters of Christ!

As wives we are called to manage our homes, to be our husband's helper. And for me right now, I am a stay at home wife, with not a lot of responsibilities. We have no kids; we live with David's parents, and there are some things I just can't do at his parents house. And, some things tire me working in their house. So, my life consists of working out, doing the dishes, doing laundry, cooking, getting ready and reading. That is not a lot when I look at a friend on facebook who has basically been superwoman today and cleaned her whole house, managed kids, and done 6 loads of laundry! What a woman.

I have been facing a, shall I say, superfluous lie that creeps in on a regular basis. A lie that says I have to work to get favor, to earn grace! If I spend my whole day and just do the dishes and read, I fear a loss of favor from God and from my husband, and people around, I might add. If I miss a week of working out, condemnation sets in, and I feel ruined.

So, I am merely just opening up the computer and preaching to myself as I journal my thoughts. I read yesterday in Psalms 19 that the law of the Lord is perfect and it is in this law my soul is revived! So my prayer is that as I lay hold of God's promises, my soul might be refreshed and grace by faith will be ever poured anew, and that you might be encouraged as well!

God says:
"It is the gift of God not by works, so that no man shall boast."
"But now, He has reconciled you, by Christ's physical body, through death, to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation."
"so that IN HIM we may become that righteousness of God."
"For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their Hope in God made themselves beautiful."
"So we fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
"he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."

It is simply this.. The Gospel... Christ died for sins... I so often start living apart from this
measure. Even when I have had a great day, my husband will come home and I will tell him all the things I have done right, as to earn favor with him. But what he tells me then is that regardless of my deeds, whether accomplished or unaccomplished, favor with God and therefore favor with my him is still ever-present and ever-complete.

So, it is my hope that as you and I both consider the wondrous work of the cross and the joy that God's favor is not earned, but so graciously given in spite of our inabilities or disabilities, that we, dear friend would walk in freedom. Not to become lazy and satisfied, but let us eagerly expect this hope to spark a deep love for growing our capacity of helping our husbands, in whatever season, and even when we can't do all of the things we want, that God would remind us of his grace!

Side Note: Helping our husbands doesn't just mean doing things (laundry, dishes etc...). I strongly believe that my role as a helper is to help my husband fight the good fight! Part of that is making our house a place where our husbands can be refreshed, but, more than that, if my soul is not being revived, I can not help David. But if it is, then and only then can I help him. If being refreshed means to go away for an entire day, or to read a book for three hours, (and always spending time with God) then I think that is ok! Today for example, I have not done much around the house, but I am clinging to the cross, the grace that Christ my Savior will not lose favor with me! I am being challenged today to believe that I have not done enough and need to get through a list, but God is also penetrating my heart and giving me courage to go forward with my daily chores, not as if I need to see checks on my list, but as one walking in her calling, as a helper, and also to know Christ more! Bask in that!!!

By 1000 Generations!!!

Failure doesn't phase you.
Worry doesn't win.
Lost doesn't leave you afraid to start again.
Our sin doesn't shock you.
Our shame doesn't shame you at all.
Mistakes do not move you.
Terror doesn't tame.
Death doesn't doom you to life in the grave.
Our suffering doesn't scare you.
Our secrets won't surprise you at all.
At all.

There is nothing above you.
There is nothing beyond you.
There is nothing that you can't do.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No matter the war, our hope is secure.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
You fail us not.

Hatred doesn't hide you.
Evil doesn't ail.
Despair can't disguise you and tell you that you fail.
Our doubt doesn't daunt you.
Our darkness won't defeat you at all.
At all.

There is nothing above you.
There is nothing beyond you.
There is nothing that you can't do.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No matter the war, our hope is secure.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No, You fail us not.
You fail us not.

You're bigger than the battle,
You are bigger than the battle,
You are bigger than the battle has ever been!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Praise Him for the circumstance. Praise Him for the trial!!!

Maybe I am being emotional, maybe it is my feminine nature, but I just want to say that my heart is happy. I am so thankful that I do not hunger for a riddance of void in my life. I am done trying to fill a hole with an apparition of joy. I am grateful that Christ has died for my sins, paid my debt and now, has given me true peace and joy! But, I don't want to view this joy selfishly as if it was all about me. I want to bask in the sweet aroma of my Savior's death. I want to savor the taste of the gospel, for in it, there is "fullness of joy."

I want to find joy in every circumstance knowing that in every trial God is good. His character is good and therefore he cannot act anything other than what he is. "God is not man that he should lie, nor son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and not act? Does he promise and not fulfill." God is good, and therefore good to me!!!!! He is all wise, and therefore knows what is best for me. And He is all powerful, and therefore can and WILL accomplish what is good in my life!!! I believe that God's good is my good. Therefore, I must conclude that when God stretches out his hand and extends his goodness to me, it is not only for my good, but His glory! Praise Him for the circumstance. Praise Him for the trial!!!

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."
Ps 84:11

"By Him all things were created. Things in Heaven and on Earth. Visible and Invisible. Whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. All things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him they exist."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Megan Parker Photography

My mom made me get back into my wedding dress for some fun bridal portraits and mother daughter photos! Megan Parker is a wonderful photographer! We had so much fun!

Robbing God's glory

So, I am really just journaling more than anything, but God just tested my heart, and I must confess the sin that was revealed!!! Basically, I took something that God gave me, and laid claim to it. It was mine, and I viewed as if I deserved all the glory for it! How sinful is that! To think, God so graciously gave me this gift in the first place. This must grieve God, to give his child a precious gift and then that child to take glory for it... But, in the place of contempt and disgust I find joy and forgiveness. Christ died for my sins! He was punished for that very instance of robbing God of His glory! "But he was pierced for my transgressions, he was crushed for my iniquities, the punishment that brought us piece was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each of us have turned to his on way. THE LORD HAS PLACED ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL!!!"

I must also testify to the grace of God's redemptive plan. He so graciously taught me about giving God the glory due his name this morning. And to think, he would also graciously reveal this in my life... I wrote this in my journal this morning about Psalm 18... "God saved David from all his enemies. He was grateful. He saw God delivered him; not himself. My application: GIVE GOD THE GLORY DUE HIS NAME!"

How crazy that God would reveal the very thing (or the lack there of) in my heart that I journaled about this morning! I am amazed by his gentleness in disciplining and correcting me. His word says, "How can a young man cleanse his way, by taking heed according to your word (ps 119:9-11). I delight in the law of the Lord (Ps1:1-4).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lacy Love

Ok, so this beautiful woman you see is none other than Mrs. Tatum... Lace is a wonderful, Christ honoring friend who is one of those wives you strive to be like. Sometimes you fail in your attempts because of the standard put forth by her! She is excellent in all she does! She is a woman who seeks to make her house a place of comfort and refuge! She is a master of crafts, making everything she touches beautiful!

But most of all, she is wise! Searching out my convictions a few years ago, I spent many a nights snuggling with her, asking her questions, rooting out false convictions and building my own. She was one of the first people endeavoring to teach me how to think! She has blessed my life, she is a godly woman! She is Lacy Tatum!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

No No my Bo Bo

Now, I shall tell you about one of the most important people in my life... My brother!!! His story...One of reconciliation, forgiveness, power, and my list could not continue unless I say, JESUS!! Christ has done such a work in my brother's life! If you would have known him before, you would have seen the depths of my heart as well, my heart was broken for my brother. He lived a life of foolishness, disobedience, deceit and enslavement by all kinds of passions and pleasures. He lived in malice and envy being hated and hating others (Titus 3:3).

Do you think this sounds harsh to say my brother was all of those things? I make this statement, not to reveal my brother's evilness, but to reveal what Christ has done in my brother. But, when the kindness and love of God his savior appeared, He saved him.

So, I ask you today, implore you, remember your salvation... What Christ has done in your life! Saved you, not because of the righteous things you have done, but because of HIS MERCY!

I am so thankful that Christ has changed my brother's life! He has been rescued!!! My brother's fervency for the gospel, to know Christ more and his desire to make Him known has encouraged my heart these past months! I honor my brother today, because he is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come (II Cor 5:17)!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Laura, Laura, Laura

This is my dear friend Laura... She has such a heart for the world to know Jesus! She has been in my life through a lot of circumstances!!! She was my first friend in college that pushed me closer to Christ!!! She gave me courage to fight! She taught me so many things about myself, Jesus, and others! What a great example of Acts 20:24 she is to me! I thank God for Laura always initiating to me! She is my friend, and I love her!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today, I want to rejoice for I have a wonderful friend named Megan! She has moved away, and I don't get to see her much... But this woman is an amazing gentle and quiet one who always seeks to put others above herself. Her desire is to know the Lord, to seek him in all decisions, and she is an encouragement to my soul! She is my best friend, and I love her!

Monday, November 16, 2009

100 free christmas cards with your picture on them!!

Hey ladies, I just found where you can get 50 Christmas cards with family pics on them for free. This is what you have to do...

Go to
Upload your pics and do your thing... Then you can order 50 4X8s or 5x7s
At the end of the check out, if you log in this code freebies4mom-1109(make sure you type and not paste it)
You will get 50 cards for $0
I just did it!!!!
You have until Nov 30th

Oh and before you do the 50 free, you can also get 100 free if you are new to the website... Just type in prints as your code before and separately from the other code with 50 free.

Hope this works for you!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today, I want to celebrate my good friend Alicia! What a great friend! God has blessed me with an amazing woman who is in my season of life! "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." I have to say, spending time with Alicia is very encouraging and helps mold me into a godly wife and woman!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My glorious calling!

So I was thinking in the shower how I have so many married friends who are in such a different stage of life... Working, going to school, staying at home with no child, staying at home with children, working and going to school, babysitting a grandchild three days a week, and the list goes on, or maybe it doesn't. But, what I was thinking is just how no matter where we are in life, we are called to be helpers to our husbands. For a season, it may help to go to work, or to stay home, or you name it... But, no matter where we are, we are to honor our husbands and be a helper! My in laws have been at home this week with me, and I have to admit, I have been a little anxious that they see me work at home. Will they think Im lazy? Do they know I am helping David? What do they think about me not working? etc... But, I was simply reminded that no matter what they think, God has called me to this season and to be a helper for David, and this is what my family has decided is the best way for ME to help David. I don't need to live in light of others approval (a trivial discipline that I must be reminded of every day!), but live for Christ and what he has called me to!!!! A Helper to my husband, not yours! Hence, I can rejoice! For God has called me out of the pits of hell, when I was living for myself, and he has saved me through Christ's death! And has given me a calling!!! Praise Jesus, God has gave me a glorious calling!!! To be my husband's helper!!!

Let us not become weary in doing good!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

High Above all the Nations

Ok so through many trials this past month, I am starting to realize that disobedience/distrust is happening in my heart a lot with David. It has crept in so silently and stealthy, that I was unaware of this pattern in my life! God is revealing this to me, by his grace. So, this week my heart has been trying to meditate, contemplate, alleviate what is going on!!! I am not at the finished product, but feel it necessary to pen my heart! This is what I have come up with.

1. Obeying my husband is obeying God: "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." -Eph 5:22

2. I am called to submit in EVERYTHING: 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. I am not called to obey David only when I think he is making a good decision. I am called to obey him regardless (unless it is clearly disobedient i.e. smoking weed). This is a part of my issue because I have let lies come in saying that I have a better decision. God is leading David, and David is being faithful to listen!!!

3. God will bless David's decision because I am obeying him. If I think I have a better decision and lack submission, God will not bless that!: " If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth" Deut 28:1-3

4. To obey David is to love God:
"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." John 14:21 This too shows that if I submit to David, God will reveal himself to us!!

5. To truly submit to David should not be burdensome: "This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 4for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." I John 5:2-4
God's word promises that we can have victory in Christ because we have overcome through Christ. I can have victory!

6. Confess it: "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." -I John 1:9

7. Meditate on this...God has given my abundant grace, for Christ died for my sins and I stand righteous before God!: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Side note: I am so proud of my husband... He is a great leader. He has so encouraged me with his daily walking with Christ! He really seeks out counsel and is eager to follow Christ! He shows me grace all of the time!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sermons that are great!!!

Please Please Please, check these sermons out... They are so great!!!!

A talk that taught me about encouragement: "Bliss: Promoting joy" 10/18/09 Click on Media then on Sermons... You will be so encouraged!!! There are also other sermons on bliss/joy that really encouraged me when my circumstances where a little trying.

Also, I just found on there a seminar on marriage!! I am about to listen to it! I am sure it will be great as well! It is on the seminar link in the Media section.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Self-centered encouragement? Do you do it?

So, I wanted to take this time to delve in a little deeper and unfold a little bit of God's great kindness in teaching me obedience!

Remember me sharing how God was teaching me about how to listen to others, encourage them, and not be so self-centered... Well this is what I am talking about when I say God is using my church to gently correct my view of encouragement. Here is a list of three ways God has used his body to change my view on encouragement:

1. I saw encouragement played out in a biblical way.. An amazing lady in my care group shared with me a verse that she felt could really encourage me. "he (Jesus) learned obedience through what he suffered...(there is more obviously)" God is showing me that although I am suffering, and it is hard, real hard, God is so graciously teaching me, equipping and training me in righteousness, holiness. He is refining me into an image more like Christ's.

2. I was taught about encouragement... My church service was on encouragement. "Biblical encouragement is imparting and instilling courage to others for the fight of faith...It is Christ centered and embedded with Scripture." Ok, so what I am leaning about myself is that I view encouragement as me telling people what I have done (i.e. shared Jesus with three girls, had an amazing quiet time, etc...)and them being encouraged by my act of obedience. What I am finding is that while our works can be encouraging, for us to share about ourselves to encourage others is man-centered and laboriously vain. To encourage someone is to point out the Spirit's work in their life. Biblical encouragement is not false praise given selfishly to gain something in return. Sometimes, I think if I can conjure up something nice to say, or something complimentative, I will make Christ proud which will in turn place me in good standing with Him. What I view as encouragement is both shallow and flatter and has an outcome which causes people to fall. "A man who flatters his neighbors spreads a net for his feet." What is the outcome of biblical encouragement? "...only what is helpful for building others up...that it may benefit them..." We can either help to build up or tear down.

3. I actually tried encouraging someone... After the service, he asked everyone to put into practice what they had heard, so afterward, you can imagine what it was like... All across the church people were going to each other and encouraging one another. Well, I went to my husband, or should I say, he came to me first, said something about my life that encouraged him, and then... it was my turn... I must admit, it was really weird, even with my husband, the person who knows everything about me, my soul, my fears, etc... it was so weird to sit with him and pull out of his life works that I have seen from the Spirit that I have been so encouraged by... It was not that I didn't know what to say, I definitely had plenty to tell him, it was just that I am not used to encouraging people with their own life... I have always been me centered. I must say that encouragement is a discipline, and I do want to grow in it!!! I am so glad God is rooting out selfishness in my life!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My poem to put into words what I am going through...

The Struggle

I am thinking writing and attempting to pen
this beautiful place I find my heart in.

Struggling, weak, hurting in pain
what I'm learning though is that its all gain.

Through treacherous terrain I am attacking my path
through fear and sin my heart doth grasp,

The truth so freeing, so strong indeed,
all I can do is fall to my knees.

When its tough and I feel this deep so dark,
I look at you, for you are the mark.

Sometimes I admit, I can't feel ease.
in this constant abyss that won't release,

Does it ever end, are you really there?
I have all these feelings I am very aware.

Is it true that in weakness you are strong,
Have you really been there all along.

In the deepest pit my heart does go,
Lord, I can't imagine the thought of growth.

My heart dissolves in your presence alas,
for Christ I see you more than a task.

God so merciful, so gracious indeed,
praise you O Lord, for you have set my soul free!

Pierced Crushed Wounded this perfect God,
In my place, to the pits of hell he trod.

This thought of Christ makes me unashamed,
makes me see this struggle my highest gain!

I do see Christ revealing his love to me,
these chains I once saw are setting me free!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do you have the skills?

David and I go to an amazing church, where people have a great discipline of listening to you and pulling things out of your life. Through seeing people interact, and interacting myself, I have been gently rebuked on my listening skills.

Last night, I was hanging out with some family, and I noticed that as soon as someone mentioned something, I want to relate to them. I told them a story about myself. Although relating is great, and there is a place for that, I think people desire something more than that. More than relating and understanding who I am, people want to be heard and understood.

So I propose, and make it my aim to conquer my vanity and grow my listening skills. And, when someone starts up a conversation with me, I am going to first ask them more questions about what they said, instead of saying, "Oh, yes, I know what you mean, I..."

Monday, October 12, 2009


SOooooooo good!

The opposite of covetousness is contentment in God. When contentment in God decreases, covetousness for gain increases. That’s why Paul says in Colossians 3:5 that covetousness is idolatry. “Put to death what is earthly in you: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness which is idolatry.” It’s idolatry because the contentment that the heart should be getting from God it starts to get from something else.

So covetousness is desiring something so much that you lose your contentment in God. Or: losing your contentment in God so that you start to seek it elsewhere.

Have you ever considered that the Ten Commandments begin and end with virtually the same commandment? “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3) and “You shall not covet” (Exodus 20:17) are almost equivalent commands. Coveting is desiring anything other than God in a way that betrays a loss of contentment and satisfaction in him. Covetousness is a heart divided between two gods. So Paul calls it idolatry.

Here is another on contentment by Lydia Brownback from my dear friend Megan:

Whatever we long for but lack is an area in which God will reveal himself to be adequate for us. Since that is true, the source of our misery is not that we lack the thing we long for; our misery comes from wanting that thing so much that we are not open to recognizing or receiving any alternative. Contentment comes as we wait on God's timetable and as we trust that what he provides in the midst of our lack is really all we need until he provides something else...obsessing on an unmet desire also takes away our joy and delight in all that God has provided for us today.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pretty Woman Shopping

My mom and I had a well lets call it "Pretty Woman" shopping day! It was so much fun!!! So we decided to try a matching outfit. Don't worry, we didn't get these dresses, but we did do some intense shopping. I think my favorite piece would be these shoes:
I did have so much fun shopping, but more than that, I had much needed time with my mom!!! I hadn't seen her in forever! Boy did we have some fun. We both said it was like a little vacay for us!!!

What a woman!!!

I'd like to share with you a strong and encouraging woman! Joyce Hensley, David's grandmother. She recently passed away on Sunday the 27th of September. She had been living in a nursing home for about a year, as we slowly watched her mortal body decline, and in the later quickly. I want to share her with you, because she really encouraged my heart. Although she was not all there, she was the sweetest woman. I know some older women tend to get grumpy and agitated with age, this woman only got sweeter with age! I remember one time I told her, even though she probable had no idea who I was, "I love you", and she told me "Nuh uh, I love you because I am bigger."

They say she was such a godly woman, and that she was such a giving and thankful woman throughout her life. Her life displayed Christ even unto her death. It was sad to see her body go, but how excited I am for her that she is with Jesus now! I just wonder what her eyes are gazing upon! Death is gain!

Today is her birthday, and I want to celebrate her life!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Waking up to the gospel!

Idea #1. Wake up to the gospel.

So my husband and I went and bought a CD alarm clock yesterday, and put Hillsong hymns in and woke up to the song "What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus." Let my just say that waking up having the gospel sung to you is so refreshing! We just laid there, both awake, and both keenly aware of what Christ had done for us! What sweet sweet time we had in those 5 min of laying there letting Hillsong preach it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My first cake! And cake fight! David and I had powdered sugar everywhere!!! This was a bunt cake thus creating a dip in the middle.

These are the almost done pics of our house! Please notice the wonderful tile countertop job my husband did! We loved flipping a house!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A perfect picture of what I have been learning!!!

The excellence of heavenly wisdom, in opposition to that which is worldly.

"Christianity teaches men to be joyful under troubles: such exercises are sent from God's love; and trials in the way of duty will brighten our graces now, and our crown at last. Let us take care, in times of trial, that patience, and not passion, is set to work in us: whatever is said or done, let patience have the saying and doing of it. When the work of patience is complete, it will furnish all that is necessary for our Christian race and warfare. We should not pray so much for the

removal of affliction, as for wisdom to make a right use of it. And who does not want wisdom to guide him under trials, both in regulating his own spirit, and in managing his affairs? Here is something in answer to every discouraging turn of the mind, when we go to God under a sense of our own weakness and folly. If, after all, any should say, This may be the case with some, but I fear I shall not succeed, the promise is, To any that asketh, it shall be given. A mind that has single and

prevailing regard to its spiritual and eternal interest, and that keeps steady in its purposes for God, will grow wise by afflictions, will continue fervent in devotion, and rise above trials and oppositions. When our faith and spirits rise and fall with second causes, there will be unsteadiness in our words and actions. This may not always expose men to contempt in the world, but such ways cannot please God. No condition of life is such as to hinder rejoicing in God. Those of low degree may

rejoice, if they are exalted to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom of God; and the rich may rejoice in humbling providences, that lead to a humble and lowly disposition of mind. Worldly wealth is a withering thing. Then, let him that is rich rejoice in the grace of God, which makes and keeps him humble; and in the trials and exercises which teach him to seek happiness in and from God, not from perishing enjoyments. (Jam 1:12-18)" -M.H Commentary

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just found a government sight to help with a more balanced meal plan!! I am going to try it...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My new hobby...

For those of you who don't know... Goodwill has an online auction just like ebay. For the past week I have been buying items and reselling them to make some money. I can't tell you how this is going, because I have only bought the items, and I have not received them yet to put them back on the market. But, for those of you who love rare finds, I have been fixed on the "going going gone" section (which means time is about to run out on the bidding for these certain items) and then going to the "tableware" and "kitchenware" section. Here, there are many different types of plate, cups, anything else. I've seen brown cups, teal cups, antique china, paisley print plates, etc... So cute! So, if you have a second to look around, here ya go... goodwill

"Your desire shall be for your husband": what does it really mean?

"Your desire shall be for your husband": what does it really mean?

I am recently doing a study on wives in the bible. I came across this verse today when God says, “...And the woman he said...your desire shall be for your husband and your husband shall rule over you.” I was excited to do some research on this one because I have heard mainly two differing opinions on the subject. So, you can see why I was very interested to figure out my view.

First, we must look at the words in the Hebrew. Desire: longing desire. This form is also used in SS 7:10 which says, “I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me.” The only other verse is Gen 4:7 “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

One concordance says this about the word, “The key is in the word 'desire,' translated from the Hebrew tesuqah calls 'unusual and striking.' It occurs only three times in the Old Testament: here, Genesis 4:7, and Song 7:10. It can carry the sense of sexual longing (as in the Song of Songs), but its usage in Genesis 4:7 shows another side, that of a desire to overcome or defeat another: "[Sin's] desire is for you, but you should rule over it."

I believe that the word in Gen 4:7 is the same in Gen 3:16
1.The word “for” in “your desire shall be for your husband” is also translated as against. So, let's look at it again... “your desire shall be against your husband.”
2.Because of the context and the phrase after “desire” says “and your husband shall rule over you”. This seems only in context with a negative meaning of “desire” implying that your desire shall be to “rule over/overcome/defeat” your husband. One commentary says that these two “having a desire for your husband” and “him desiring to rule over you” are not parallels, but a statement of action and reaction.
3.As I look at my life, I must say that both facets are present. I do have a desire for my husband. I want him, and I feel an overwhelming desire for him. But, I must say that even more present than the desire “for” my husband is a desire “against” him. In all I do, I have this ever-present struggle that I feel is my constant companion... It is always by my side, plaguing me. I want what I want. I want to rule David. If he does something I don't like, even at times that I am submissive in deed, my heart is far from it. I may win the battle of submission on my “white washed wall” but my heart is so dirty inside this tomb.

What now: I must conclude that as I recognize this constant battle of submission vs. superiority I can only turn to one source of strength to help. The word for “excellent” in Proverbs when it talks about being an excellent wife means to be strong, noble character, etc... The word that stands out to me the most is strong. I recently read the book “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney. In this book she stated that to be strong in God's eyes is anything but strong in the world's. Because our nature is to rule over our husbands, to be a strong woman is to be submissive. To be strong is to respect and enjoy our husbands. The world would say this is anything but. However, if strong is submissive, we must rule that to be weak is to not submit. What these feminists show when they declare to be strong but really live out what their natural desire is (to rule over men) is that they are really weak. They have no desire to submit, thus they are living under false pretenses that say they are strong by ruling over men. We must fight against this default thinking and live a valiant life with Christ as our life!

God says that we can “struggle/labor/work with all of his energy.” To slay this dragon does not mean bending ourselves to our husbands will. We will always fall short if we rely on ourselves. We must depend on God to give us the strength to bend our will and submit to the leader God has designed and given us as an act of mercy and grace.

How delightful to know that by God granting this position of submission, he is graciously revealing himself to us!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Its so Tasty!!!

So I just tried a bread machine for the first time. The loaf I baked was sooo Tasty I must share... Here is the link. SO easy and it came out perfect on the very first try...

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm reading a new book entitled "Helper by design". I ran over some thought provoking questions in the book and just wanted to share them:

1. In what specific ways has God called your husband to rule/ How does he presently fulfill God's calling in his life? How can you help fulfill that calling?
2. With whom has he been called to relate? What would helping him in these relationships look like?
3. How has God's calling to reproduce been answered in your family? How can you help with mentoring or nurturing children?
4. What does your husband spend time thinking about or reflecting on? How could you help sharpen his thinking or cause it to be more productive?
5. What can you do to bring a godly joy into your relationship? How have you failed to help him discover the joy of intimate fellowship?
6. How can you facilitate his development of a fruitful rest? What could you do to make your life together a place of harmony and God-centered worship, especially on the Lord's day?
7. What influences could you bring to bear upon him that would help him glorify God and reflect Him more?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am thrilled about starting a blog. I am excited to put some creativity to use as well as having an outlet and an inlet for ideas on biblical womanhood. Lately, I have been delving into the heart of God's plan for me as a woman and a wife. I hope this blog will be an encouragement to grow the desire of biblical womanhood in the hearts of women. Soon, I hope to have many facets on this site and such as: creative decorating ideas, thoughts on books, ideas of biblical womanhood and much more.