Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm reading a new book entitled "Helper by design". I ran over some thought provoking questions in the book and just wanted to share them:

1. In what specific ways has God called your husband to rule/ How does he presently fulfill God's calling in his life? How can you help fulfill that calling?
2. With whom has he been called to relate? What would helping him in these relationships look like?
3. How has God's calling to reproduce been answered in your family? How can you help with mentoring or nurturing children?
4. What does your husband spend time thinking about or reflecting on? How could you help sharpen his thinking or cause it to be more productive?
5. What can you do to bring a godly joy into your relationship? How have you failed to help him discover the joy of intimate fellowship?
6. How can you facilitate his development of a fruitful rest? What could you do to make your life together a place of harmony and God-centered worship, especially on the Lord's day?
7. What influences could you bring to bear upon him that would help him glorify God and reflect Him more?

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