Thursday, December 8, 2011

Helping our souls, helping our husbands!!!

Found this from a blog post I wrote a little bit ago, but encouraged me today!!!

Side Note: Helping our husbands doesn't just mean doing things (laundry, dishes etc...). I strongly believe that my role as a helper is to help my husband fight the good fight! Part of that is making our house a place where our husbands can be refreshed, but, more than that, if my soul is not being revived, I can not help David. But if it is, then and only then can I help him. If being refreshed means to go away for an entire day, or to read a book for three hours, (and always spending time with God) then I think that is ok! Today for example, I have not done much around the house, but I am clinging to the cross, the grace that Christ my Savior will not lose favor with me! I am being challenged today to believe that I have not done enough and need to get through a list, but God is also penetrating my heart and giving me courage to go forward with my daily chores, not as if I need to see checks on my list, but as one walking in her calling, as a helper, and also to know Christ more! Bask in that!!!

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