It's been a minute since I have written anything. Honestly, I feel a bit overwhelmed and incapable. But, I decided instead of writing about something going on in my heart, I would give a quick update!
We are still a family of four (me, David, AK and Spero). We are longing to make our family bigger, but there are no double lines for us, YET! We are a part of a church plant in Franklin, TN called Redeeming Grace Church. This is a Sovereign Grace church and is launching mid October!! We are so excited!!
We live of eight people, at one time there was eleven. We also all four live in one (big) bedroom together. Both of these have there pros and cons, but for the most part, it has been such a joy to live here!!! What a great experience to live in community with other like minded believers! I get to spend basically all day in and out with another mommy and baby. How kind of God to allow me to be refreshed daily by walking through the day with another mommy!! This family, The Lockwoods, have actually shared that they are moving out in Jan, maybe earlier, so please pray that God would provide another person to pay their part of the rent. If not, there is no way we can afford to live in Franklin. We would have to move back to Knoxville. This is certainly not a bad thing, for we long to dwell in community with Cornerstone again, but David does feel as if God is calling us to plant our feet here for awhile.
David is working at Fed Ex as an assistant manager right now. He has just started a second job at Appleton learning center and really enjoys that. He also has began a class for CCEF on counseling, and he LOVES it! His dream would to be a counselor one day!!
I am keeping a little girl on Wednesday who is pretty cute, and we love getting to play with new people!! But, Im not sure if we could say that AK ever even meets strangers, she is soooo outgoing. Sometimes it can be so intense that other little ones are quite afraid. But, something I have noticed is that she is outgoing when she feels secure. But, if she is in a new environment, she is a bit scared. Which is just like me!!!!
My heart is pretty soft towards Christ right now, although a week ago it was not so! At least for me! But God really has given me some time of longing for his word and the gospel. We are SO weak!! But I know God gets glorified in our weakness!! Praise Him!!