I am now 8 weeks pregnant! Happy Birthday little Ogle fetus!!! I have been pretty sick, with the all day, every moment, relentless, more than the morning, morning sickness!!! But, I must say that God has been great because:
We are at my mom's and she has really been helping us out buying me food (all types of food), letting us lounge around the house all day, and just really caring for David and I!
My husband has been so helpful and lovable! Long hour back rubs!!!! Oh yeah!!!
Although I am eating very unhealthy (bc not a lot sounds good), I have been able to eat and drink and take all my meds!!!
Although I have been a little discouraged because of being sick, God has been giving us little refreshers along the way!!! Today, I actually got up and went to Cracker Barrel!!!
Thanks for the prayers!!