Now, I shall tell you about one of the most important people in my life... My brother!!! His story...One of reconciliation, forgiveness, power, and my list could not continue unless I say, JESUS!! Christ has done such a work in my brother's life! If you would have known him before, you would have seen the depths of my heart as well, my heart was broken for my brother. He lived a life of foolishness, disobedience, deceit and enslavement by all kinds of passions and pleasures. He lived in malice and envy being hated and hating others (Titus 3:3).
Do you think this sounds harsh to say my brother was all of those things? I make this statement, not to reveal my brother's evilness, but to reveal what Christ has done in my brother. But, when the kindness and love of God his savior appeared, He saved him.
So, I ask you today, implore you, remember your salvation... What Christ has done in your life! Saved you, not because of the righteous things you have done, but because of HIS MERCY!
I am so thankful that Christ has changed my brother's life! He has been rescued!!! My brother's fervency for the gospel, to know Christ more and his desire to make Him known has encouraged my heart these past months! I honor my brother today, because he is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come (II Cor 5:17)!!!
That is so incredible! God is so amazing!