Awake my soul from the unmoved,
apathetic and grayish room.
Where colors dull and drear exists,
anything but what causes bliss.
Why is this holiday so cheery,
I must explain my state of theory.
For once, thought I, it would be nice,
to celebrate what crowds think right.
Yes, Santa, stockings and even a tree,
these were the things that inspired me.
Then soon there was a debriefing you see,
when I realized my joy was not found in these!
But then I declared an all out war,
nothing holiday would come through my door.
Mary did you know that your baby boy
was not born on Christmas,
Did you know this holiday was first a pagan existence.
Bah Humbug Bah Humbug, that's what I'd say,
To celebrating any part of the day.
No happiness, no excitement, no presents around,
There went the baby with the water out of town!
Ok, Ok this is a bit dramatic,
but certainly I was quite apathetic.
After seeing some friends so happy with glee,
I realized there might be something wrong with me.
I restled my heart and attempted to pen,
why this holiday seemed so dim.
Then, once again, he awakened my soul,
to see the grace he did unfold.
Oh this grace, it is so rich indeed,
for a babe was born, the King of Kings.
God came down, in humility,
took the punishment meant for me.
Because he came, my soul is free,
I can rejoice in this babe a King!
Rise, my love, from thy sleep, awake,
He beckons for you to partake.
Not in getting joy from these earthly things,
but rejoice for His love has made these clean.
Get a tree, put it up and trim it well,
for your soul is freed from the pits of hell.
Rejoice, Rejoice, our God came,
he took our sin, he took our blame!
Merry indeed, Merry Christmas to you,
forever satisfied with this eternal truth.
HE CAME!!!!!!
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Helping our souls, helping our husbands!!!
Found this from a blog post I wrote a little bit ago, but encouraged me today!!!
Side Note: Helping our husbands doesn't just mean doing things (laundry, dishes etc...). I strongly believe that my role as a helper is to help my husband fight the good fight! Part of that is making our house a place where our husbands can be refreshed, but, more than that, if my soul is not being revived, I can not help David. But if it is, then and only then can I help him. If being refreshed means to go away for an entire day, or to read a book for three hours, (and always spending time with God) then I think that is ok! Today for example, I have not done much around the house, but I am clinging to the cross, the grace that Christ my Savior will not lose favor with me! I am being challenged today to believe that I have not done enough and need to get through a list, but God is also penetrating my heart and giving me courage to go forward with my daily chores, not as if I need to see checks on my list, but as one walking in her calling, as a helper, and also to know Christ more! Bask in that!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Button's new life with Christ
Button's new life with Christ
My day started out like any other pregnancy overwhelming since of nauseousness. But with this feeling was the feeling of excitement as well! Today was the day that we were going to get to see our little Button on ultrasound. I have been a little worried over the past few days because of some light spotting that something was wrong with little Button, but since I tend to fear, I shrugged these emotions off. We arrived at the doctor and went into the ultrasound room. I could tell almost immediately that something didn't look right. The tech was pretty quiet as she took measurements and then proceeded to listen to the heart. There was no heart beat. This made me a little worried, but I figured that it was just too early to hear it. Then the words resounded in David and my ears, “Im going to go get Dr. Roberts.” With that we knew exactly what happened. Tears and emotions followed the next couple of minutes as David and I tried to accept what was happening.
Dr. Roberts had to rush to the hospital for an emergency C-section, so they decided to take us to a room to wait for an hour until her return. Walking to the room was the longest walk I think I have ever made. We walked past a couple that we had seen before the ultrasound when everything was happy go lucky. This was hard! You never realize how happy women are in an obgyn office until something like this happens. As I made my way to the bathroom, some people would just smile. “Shouldn't they know what is going on? Why are they smiling; it's not a smiling moment!”
Over the next hour as David and I waited in a room, we prayed together, wept together, sang together, shared lies and then a lot of truths! I would not give this hour up for anything. It was very healing for me!!!!!
So, here is what I want you to know about baby Button. God has chosen to pour His grace on Button and spare him/her from this sin riddled world! What a grace! We believe baby Button is in heaven worshipping Jesus as you read this!!! Also, we believe that every single moment and day of Button's was fashioned by God. He wrote every single day and knew when it would be Button's last! This act is for my best, David's best, Button's best and even your best! God is good and working all things for His good. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints(ps 116:15)!!”
Where we are: We are certainly sad! This is hard! But we do not grieve like someone who has no hope! For we know we will get to meet Button one day! We ask for your prayers. We are spending two weeks trying to let things happen naturally, but if nothing happens, we will go for a D and C, I guess after that. So, pray that we will not have to have the surgery. David is taking a week off so we can be together. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts!!!
Love you all
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
My day started out like any other pregnancy overwhelming since of nauseousness. But with this feeling was the feeling of excitement as well! Today was the day that we were going to get to see our little Button on ultrasound. I have been a little worried over the past few days because of some light spotting that something was wrong with little Button, but since I tend to fear, I shrugged these emotions off. We arrived at the doctor and went into the ultrasound room. I could tell almost immediately that something didn't look right. The tech was pretty quiet as she took measurements and then proceeded to listen to the heart. There was no heart beat. This made me a little worried, but I figured that it was just too early to hear it. Then the words resounded in David and my ears, “Im going to go get Dr. Roberts.” With that we knew exactly what happened. Tears and emotions followed the next couple of minutes as David and I tried to accept what was happening.
Dr. Roberts had to rush to the hospital for an emergency C-section, so they decided to take us to a room to wait for an hour until her return. Walking to the room was the longest walk I think I have ever made. We walked past a couple that we had seen before the ultrasound when everything was happy go lucky. This was hard! You never realize how happy women are in an obgyn office until something like this happens. As I made my way to the bathroom, some people would just smile. “Shouldn't they know what is going on? Why are they smiling; it's not a smiling moment!”
Over the next hour as David and I waited in a room, we prayed together, wept together, sang together, shared lies and then a lot of truths! I would not give this hour up for anything. It was very healing for me!!!!!
So, here is what I want you to know about baby Button. God has chosen to pour His grace on Button and spare him/her from this sin riddled world! What a grace! We believe baby Button is in heaven worshipping Jesus as you read this!!! Also, we believe that every single moment and day of Button's was fashioned by God. He wrote every single day and knew when it would be Button's last! This act is for my best, David's best, Button's best and even your best! God is good and working all things for His good. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints(ps 116:15)!!”
Where we are: We are certainly sad! This is hard! But we do not grieve like someone who has no hope! For we know we will get to meet Button one day! We ask for your prayers. We are spending two weeks trying to let things happen naturally, but if nothing happens, we will go for a D and C, I guess after that. So, pray that we will not have to have the surgery. David is taking a week off so we can be together. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts!!!
Love you all
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Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hubby wrote a post that encouraged my soul!!!!
Jesus, The Narrow Gate
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Jesus, The Narrow Gate
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
30 days of thankfulness
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Anvil of nauseousness!
From Ray Ortland's blog today:
When God wants to drill a man
And thrill a man
And skill a man
When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods, watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him and hurts him
And with mighty blows converts him
Into shapes and forms of clay
Which only God can understand.
How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes
How He uses whom He chooses
And with mighty power infuses him
With every act induces him
To try His splendor out –
God knows what He’s about.
Author unknown.
When God wants to drill a man
And thrill a man
And skill a man
When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods, watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him and hurts him
And with mighty blows converts him
Into shapes and forms of clay
Which only God can understand.
How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes
How He uses whom He chooses
And with mighty power infuses him
With every act induces him
To try His splendor out –
God knows what He’s about.
Author unknown.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Apples to Apples
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
It's what's for dinner
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Hard day = yummy cupcake
Monday, September 19, 2011
Picture Perfect!
We're loving some fall weather!!

AK is almost sitting up on her own. I figured this out after I laid her down for a nap and came back and found her like this...

She loves her carrier, but loves her two fingers even more!

We are all about the leg warmers these days!!

Catching some snuggle with abba on Sunday morning before church!

AK is almost sitting up on her own. I figured this out after I laid her down for a nap and came back and found her like this...

She loves her carrier, but loves her two fingers even more!

We are all about the leg warmers these days!!

Catching some snuggle with abba on Sunday morning before church!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Stay at home Mom's tip
Warning!!!!¡¡¡¡ Great idea in 5...4...3...2...1 ok, so this post is to those stay at home Mom's who always feel like their housework is never done! First off let me say that it is true; it is never done, but that is ok. That is a gift of God's grace, after all the reason it is never done is because you have that special hunk of a man and those sweet littles to keep your life busy!!
Ok, now let's get down to the nitty!! I abhor, revolt against, hate anything that comes close to a schedule in my life (except for AK! I have to put her on a schedule), so when my amazingly beautiful friend, Joy Finch, started to share how she does housework with three kids under three, and when she said the 's' word, I felt my heart stiffen a little inside! But then... she explained how she does it. Mondays are "mopping Monday's" which means the only thing, let me repeat, the only thing she does all day is sweep and mop her floors. The same goes for "tidy tuesday". The only thing she does for that day is pick up everything that is out of place in the house. "Washing Wednesday" is designed only for washing your clothes. "Thorough Thursday" is specifically for deep cleaning bathrooms, maybe dusting, whatever needs to be deep cleaned. Friday is "frugal friday" where you plan your meals and coupon (I don't coupon!!). Ok, let me repeat that you only do what that day calls for.
My heart slipped into sublimity (did I just make up a word, nah). I think sometimes I can tend to feel imprisoned when is comes to scheduling, but this schedule really frees me in more than one way.
1. I don't feel like I have to clean my house all day every day. I have one specific task for one specific day. Even though there is only one task, it still takes all day to get these done; let me reassure you I am not sitting on the couch eating bon bons all day (Thanks s.sluss for this illustration!)
2. My house gets fully cleaned! I don't miss doing the floors for a month because I never got around to them.
3. I really struggle with wanting my house to be clean for company. This keeps me from cleaning everything spotless all day just to look good. Again, I only have one job for that day.
Thank you Joy Finch for simplifying my life!!!
Disclaimer: this method is not for everyone. Some people may like it and others not. This is just a tool!!!
Here is my version:

For your entertainment:

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Ok, now let's get down to the nitty!! I abhor, revolt against, hate anything that comes close to a schedule in my life (except for AK! I have to put her on a schedule), so when my amazingly beautiful friend, Joy Finch, started to share how she does housework with three kids under three, and when she said the 's' word, I felt my heart stiffen a little inside! But then... she explained how she does it. Mondays are "mopping Monday's" which means the only thing, let me repeat, the only thing she does all day is sweep and mop her floors. The same goes for "tidy tuesday". The only thing she does for that day is pick up everything that is out of place in the house. "Washing Wednesday" is designed only for washing your clothes. "Thorough Thursday" is specifically for deep cleaning bathrooms, maybe dusting, whatever needs to be deep cleaned. Friday is "frugal friday" where you plan your meals and coupon (I don't coupon!!). Ok, let me repeat that you only do what that day calls for.
My heart slipped into sublimity (did I just make up a word, nah). I think sometimes I can tend to feel imprisoned when is comes to scheduling, but this schedule really frees me in more than one way.
1. I don't feel like I have to clean my house all day every day. I have one specific task for one specific day. Even though there is only one task, it still takes all day to get these done; let me reassure you I am not sitting on the couch eating bon bons all day (Thanks s.sluss for this illustration!)
2. My house gets fully cleaned! I don't miss doing the floors for a month because I never got around to them.
3. I really struggle with wanting my house to be clean for company. This keeps me from cleaning everything spotless all day just to look good. Again, I only have one job for that day.
Thank you Joy Finch for simplifying my life!!!
Disclaimer: this method is not for everyone. Some people may like it and others not. This is just a tool!!!
Here is my version:

For your entertainment:

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Monday, September 12, 2011
Baby Sophia
You know those women that just look so beautiful after they give birth? I'm talking like not even two hours afterwards? Well, that is what my Nessa looked like after pushing for almost two hours.
I walked in the hospital room about three hours after she had given birth and the only thing more beautiful than she was, was the fact that she was holding her (also amazingly beautiful) daughter in her arms!!
Nessa had a few complications yesterday, but all in all it looks like they are doing pretty well!
I pray God's kindness and grace be shown in little sophia's life! May she grow to be a woman who loves Jesus with all her might and know Him well!!
I love you little Soph Soph!

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I walked in the hospital room about three hours after she had given birth and the only thing more beautiful than she was, was the fact that she was holding her (also amazingly beautiful) daughter in her arms!!
Nessa had a few complications yesterday, but all in all it looks like they are doing pretty well!
I pray God's kindness and grace be shown in little sophia's life! May she grow to be a woman who loves Jesus with all her might and know Him well!!
I love you little Soph Soph!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Honor of a mother
For the past two days I have beaten the sun up! As I sit her with my little precious, I'm aware of my need for God's grace in my life. This excerpt is taken from The Girltalk blog:
I need my gaze lifted beyond my daily duties to my eternal mission as a mother. In his book, Womanly Dominion, Mr. Chanski brings us encouragement right where we need it:
“There she sits exhausted on the edge of her bed, her face in her hands, wondering, “Where's the glory in this?”
She needs something more empowering to keep her going.
She needs to gain and maintain the deep conviction of the glory, honor, and nobility of selfless service. This she finds at the foot of the cross, looking up to the One who earned for Himself “the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9), by “emptying Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant” (2:7), humbling “Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (2:8). There she beholds her Savior who mopped up the damning vomit of her own sin with the precious sponge of His perfect life and atoning death. The love of Christ constrains and compels her to press on (2 Corinthians 5:14). The Spirit of Christ empowers her” (pp. 120-121, emphasis mine).
Are you having a hard time being “the hub” today? Then "fix your eyes on Jesus” (Heb. 12:2-3), ask Him for help and strength, and thank Him for the honor of being a mother.
I need my gaze lifted beyond my daily duties to my eternal mission as a mother. In his book, Womanly Dominion, Mr. Chanski brings us encouragement right where we need it:
“There she sits exhausted on the edge of her bed, her face in her hands, wondering, “Where's the glory in this?”
She needs something more empowering to keep her going.
She needs to gain and maintain the deep conviction of the glory, honor, and nobility of selfless service. This she finds at the foot of the cross, looking up to the One who earned for Himself “the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9), by “emptying Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant” (2:7), humbling “Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (2:8). There she beholds her Savior who mopped up the damning vomit of her own sin with the precious sponge of His perfect life and atoning death. The love of Christ constrains and compels her to press on (2 Corinthians 5:14). The Spirit of Christ empowers her” (pp. 120-121, emphasis mine).
Are you having a hard time being “the hub” today? Then "fix your eyes on Jesus” (Heb. 12:2-3), ask Him for help and strength, and thank Him for the honor of being a mother.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I got a feelin!!!
"I got a feeling that tonights gonna be a good night!"
That is what Alex Kate and I sang Thursday morning as our anticipation built as we waited for the arrival of Nonnie. She would come in late Thursday night and stay until sat morning. It was delightful. Here is a picture documentary of our fun excursion on Friday!
First thing we did when we woke up: snuggled

Then we had some bathtime, and oh did I make Nonnie laugh!!

Next it was play time, and I showed off a few tricks for Nonnie! But not before Nonnie got me all dolled up for the day! (I don't know why, but my grandmas love doing this! Wink wink)

Then mama and Nonnie spent some time together whilst I Laos my head upon my pillow (oh wait, I don't have a pillow)

Then it was Party Time!! We left the house, and of course the first thing we did was get some yumminess!

I just had to take a nap with all that yackin they did in the front seat. Yack yack yack!!

Next it was on to better things: shopping!!! We went to the Cleveland downtown for a quick look. It was quick due to the lack of stores.

Next: food again!

With no luck downtown, we headed straight to the mall where we knew there were sure to be some fun buys! While mom was in a dressing room, I found a fun cart to play and chew on.

On the way back home there was miles and miles of traffic. But this didn't stop mommy and Nonnie from having fun:

What did you just call me?"

The day ended perfectly with some dinner with my abba!

Mama loved this band made up of all old people; one even had to use a walker, but they were jammin!

The day ended with a new friend being born into the world!!! Hi John, can't wait to meet you!!

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That is what Alex Kate and I sang Thursday morning as our anticipation built as we waited for the arrival of Nonnie. She would come in late Thursday night and stay until sat morning. It was delightful. Here is a picture documentary of our fun excursion on Friday!
First thing we did when we woke up: snuggled

Then we had some bathtime, and oh did I make Nonnie laugh!!

Next it was play time, and I showed off a few tricks for Nonnie! But not before Nonnie got me all dolled up for the day! (I don't know why, but my grandmas love doing this! Wink wink)

Then mama and Nonnie spent some time together whilst I Laos my head upon my pillow (oh wait, I don't have a pillow)

Then it was Party Time!! We left the house, and of course the first thing we did was get some yumminess!

I just had to take a nap with all that yackin they did in the front seat. Yack yack yack!!

Next it was on to better things: shopping!!! We went to the Cleveland downtown for a quick look. It was quick due to the lack of stores.

Next: food again!

With no luck downtown, we headed straight to the mall where we knew there were sure to be some fun buys! While mom was in a dressing room, I found a fun cart to play and chew on.

On the way back home there was miles and miles of traffic. But this didn't stop mommy and Nonnie from having fun:

What did you just call me?"

The day ended perfectly with some dinner with my abba!

Mama loved this band made up of all old people; one even had to use a walker, but they were jammin!

The day ended with a new friend being born into the world!!! Hi John, can't wait to meet you!!

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